The club enjoyed an off-site meeting at Haskett Funeral Home in Exeter. Our host and speaker for the evening was Colin Haskett - a fifth-generation funeral director who leads a family-owned company with a 140 year history. Colin presented a stimulating discussion about what happens after a death.
Among his words of advice:
  • Make it clear to your family who makes decisions about your funeral.
  • If you have questions, any funeral home will provide information free of charge.
  • If you travel, consider purchasing insurance to cover the cost of returning a body – it can be a costly process from many locations.
  • When someone dies while traveling, contact your local funeral provider for help with the arrangements.
  • Give some thought to your preferences for a funeral and communicate them with your family.
  • But don’t handcuff them – remember that you won’t be there!
  • Think outside the box, like the gentleman who attended his own funeral, nine days before he died.