Our speaker was Anne Duffield who recently completed a Mental Health First Aid course and shared her learning with our club members.
Among the important information that Joan shared:
  • Mental health is a chemical imbalance in the brain—an illness like others.
  • We all have highs and lows within a “window of tolerance” – people with mental health issues are unable to get back to the centre.
  • Mental health issues include depression, addiction, mood disorders, anxiety disorder and panic attacks, suicidal ideation, psychoses.
  • Every year, one in 4 people struggles with mental health issues. Across a lifetime, it’s 1 in 2.
  • 30% of short and long-term disability is related to mental health issues
  • 4000 Canadians die by suicide every year
  • Mental health treatment is a puzzle that includes meds, counselling, support groups, life changes and more.
  • People learn to manage their illness, much as someone with diabetes does.
    • Some of Joan’s advice about how we can help:
      • Language matters, think before you speak
      • Talk about the elephant in the room, even if it’s uncomfortable—don’t sweep mental health under the carpet
      • Pay attention if someone seems withdrawn- trust your instincts
      • Keep the conversation low-key and non-judgmental, respect privacy
      • Don’t give up – if someone doesn’t want to talk, try again later
      • Ask if the person thinks counselling would help, and offer to go with them
      • Look beyond the illness to the person
      • In the case of an overdose or alcohol-related unconsciousness, call 911, roll the person on their side facing away from you and cover with a coat or blanket
      • In the case of suicidal ideation, assess the risk and ask the person about the supports they have, listen non-judgmentally, and give reassurance and information about supportive resources to create hope
      • Keep the helpline number handy - Toll-free: 1-866-531-2600